Monday, 8 May 2017


Question 5

Control of personal Data
 Every person has the right to view, correct, and delete their personal data, whether it is detained on a free or reserved computer system. Personal data held by public or private bodies must be made open on request to the individual to whom it refers, in an open digital format.                                                        
                                                                    Article 2
Control of user content
Internet-based services must offer a means by which users of the service can view, edit or remove content which they have posted on the service. This would not spread out to publicly available content which has been reproduced or shared by other users.
Article 3
Enforcements of Digital Rights
For everybody to have self-confidence in the system, there should be right and balanced remedies available to discipline those who breach our rights online. (Democrats, 2016)
Article 4
Digital Literacy
Children and young people should be able to appreciate the benefits of digital technologies without compromising their safety or privacy. Digital literacy should be well-thought-out as main leader of the national curriculum, alongside numeracy and literacy.
Article 5
Right to unrestricted internet access
The ability to access information on the internet is an important right that supports the ability of citizens to be knowledgeable and involved in public life. It is also vivacious for the proper active public services, and helps to safeguard the free flow of information that supports the operational of markets. The overarching objective of a neutral network means that there can be no unfair discrimination against content or users. (Democrats, 2016)
Article 6
Strong cyber-security is the basis of a strong digital economy: individuals, businesses and public bodies have the right to use strong encryption to protect their privacy and security online. 
Article 7
People have the same rights to privacy in their telecoms and their online lives as they do in the offline world.  Protection every advanced subject has the privilege to security, which incorporates the correct that:  State reconnaissance of the web must be the exemption instead of the standard, and should just happen where it is unmistakably defended for the insurance of the general population. (Democrats, 2016)
Article 8
Freedom of speech
 The right to free expression applies online just as it does in the offline world. Government has a responsibility to uphold the right to free expression online, which extends to expression in all its forms, including text, videos, audio recordings, and other forms of public communication.
Article 9
A free and open internet
An open and neutral internet is important for undeveloped government, good democracy, a strong economy, connected communities and diversity of culture.  (Democrats, 2016
Article 10
The right to decent Environment:
Clean and good condition is basic to online clients. Digital residents have the privilege to stay in a situation that is not hurtful to their wellbeing   or prosperity. (Democrats, 2016)

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