Monday, 8 May 2017




Business to Business e-commerce involves electronic transactions between businesses. These transactions have been around for many years in the form of electronic data interchange and electronic funds transfer.B2B it allows companies to   purchase orders, invoices, inventory status, shipping logistics, business contracts, and other operations which produces reports of increasing transaction speed, reducing errors and eliminating manual tasks  an example is Walmart . (Bidgoli, 2016,p:176)


Business to consumer is defined as all the companies that sell directly to the consumers. Companies such as Amazon,  and them directly to the consumers. Amazon and its business partners sell a wide array of products and services which includes DVDs, prescription drugs, clothing and household products. (Bidgoli, 2016,p:176)

Consumer to Business involves people selling products or services to businesses, such as when a consumer creates an online survey for a company to utilise or when a business uses crowd sourcing by asking consumers to perform services such as contributing to a web site for free. (Bidgoli, 2016,p:176)

Consumer to Consumer e-commerce involves business transactions between users, such as consumers selling to other consumers via the internet. When people use online classified ads (e.g., Craigslist’s) or online auction sites such as eBay that is regarded as C2C e-commerce.(Bidgoli, 2016,p:176)

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